Welcome to Otronicon 2021!

Join us on a Learning Revolution!

A “learning revolution” sounds bold, doesn’t it? But we believe that’s exactly what we’re building. And we want you to join us for a safe HANDS-ON EXPERIENCE!

Visit our booth on the 2nd Floor at Otronicon.

Stop by and explore the innovative Intellivance system. The applications are endless. The time is now. We want you to join us as we light the pathway to every literacy for every learner.

Let’s revolutionize
learning, together

Intellivance designs unique tools that provide learners at all levels an accessible, flexible, collaborative learning environment. No other system works the way ours does. Our intellectual property promotes creativity and problem solving using a system that allows all people to learn differently.

Evidence-based practices have shown us that it is possible to create new pathways for learning by weaving together multiple literacies. We are passionate about exploring the vast applications of the Intellivance approach and development of tools that empower and advance the way we learn.

We would love for you to join us on this learning revolution. It’s a whole new way for people to learn in the 21st century.

What Do You Want to Learn?

Intellivance offers personalized learning opportunities regardless of age, ability, or technology access. The foremost capability of the Intellivance system lies in its ability to be applied to nearly anything.   From complete enrichment center design and installation to playgrounds, software, or games ANYTHING can be powered by Intellivance.

Watch as Johnny demonstrates how simple and rewarding it can be to learn music and math simultaneously with the patented Intellivance system.